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Logistics Logistics

One of the most important factors in the customer experience is product shipping. Choosing the right shipping method will not only give consumers more confidence in the brand but also benefit the internal and external logistics of the company. In this article, we will discuss different types of shipping methods, how to determine the most suitable method for your company, and considerations to implement them in your e-commerce.

Types of Delivery

International shipments require more experience due to the required documents and certifications. Companies generally use postal services, but it is important to note that these shipments are slower and require specialized sensors to manage customs procedures.

Standard shipments are relatively short, taking approximately 2 to 6 days to arrive depending on the distance. It is the most commonly used shipment method by companies because it allows them to provide more specific information to customers.

Express shipments have several modalities, such as same-day reception, immediate shipment, and next-day shipment. This type of shipment is generally available for frequent customers, and implementing it requires a system that allows customers to receive their products immediately. Of course, this type of shipment involves an additional cost.

Scheduled shipments are ideal for customers who have a tight schedule and can only receive their packages on specific dates.

Planning the Most Efficient Business-Oriented Shipping Strategy

Having a strategy in place to manage shipping methods is essential for an e-commerce. Buyers need to find different types of shipping that suit their needs, while the company needs to consider which option best suits its needs. Shipping costs can be calculated by weight, fixed price, or offered for free, depending on the best option for your business.

If you lack the necessary information to make these types of decisions, consider delegating such responsibilities to expert services in the field, such as Xborder, which has over ten years of experience in logistics planning. The team at Xborder can help you plan the most efficient business-oriented shipping strategy, optimize your logistics, and focus on growing your business.

Don’t hesitate any longer! Visit www.xborder.co and let experienced professionals take care of your shipping needs.


Daniel Martínez

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