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Logistics Logistics

In today’s article, we will explain the differences between multimodal and intermodal transportation, as well as their respective advantages and disadvantages, so that you can choose the one that best suits the needs of your company.

Multimodal transportation: This modality is characterized by a single company being in charge of moving goods through different routes and means of transportation. The transfer is carried out by the same operator, ensuring responsibility for the goods throughout the entire process.

Advantages and disadvantages of multimodal transport: The main advantage of multimodal transportation is that it reduces costs and distribution times. Additionally, using a single transportation company significantly reduces the risk of loss of goods.

However, legal and operational limitations due to international regulations and terminal inspections are considered disadvantages. Finding a company that offers these routes can also be challenging.

Intermodal transportation: Intermodal transportation involves moving goods from the point of production to the destination using different modes of transportation. It combines water, land, and air transport to obtain a more efficient route where the goods are safe.

Advantages and disadvantages of intermodal transport: Intermodal transportation allows transport managers to respond individually to their needs, which facilitates the operation. Additionally, transport through containers can help movements to be faster. However, goods may encounter operational and legal limitations depending on international regulations, and the infrastructure is usually more expensive.

In summary, multimodal transportation requires only one document, while intermodal transportation requires several formalities, in addition to not requiring intermediaries. Multimodal transportation is cheaper, but intermodal transportation also has competitive prices.

Both modes of transportation have their own requirements, so we cannot say which one is better. It is about finding the one that best suits the needs of your company and your merchandise, as well as taking into account the final destination of the goods and the satisfaction of your customers.

Whichever method you choose, Xborder will satisfy your needs. With over 10 years of experience and thousands of international partners, Xborder provides all the necessary tools for your e-commerce to cross borders.

The services offered by Xborder range from import and export logistics, legal procedures, customer service, to technological tools that improve the quality of your online store. For further information, visit www.xborder.co.


Daniel Martínez

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